Tuesday, January 3, 2012

On Sleep

Right now Chloe is taking a nap in our bed all by herself, and I have to admit that its so nice to have some time alone! Don't get me wrong I love looking down at my sweet baby sleeping peacefully on my lap, seeing her in dreamland melts my heart every time, but to finally have time to myself is amazing, to get things done, to move around freely!

Getting Chloe to take a nap all by herself isn't an easy task though and so times like these don't happen very often. Last week Chloe took at least one nap by herself almost everyday and a few times Mike and I were even able to get her down for the night and spend time together just the two of us. On most nights we usually all go to bed together, before the only way to get Chloe to sleep was by nursing or rocking her, now I'm able to nurse Chloe till she's sleepy and then lay her in bed with us. We play quietly for a little while and then our sweet little baby falls soundly asleep while holding both of our hands ( Chloe loves holding our hands while she falls fast asleep which is seriously the sweetest thing ever ).

I would say the older Chloe gets the easier it is to get her to fall asleep by herself but then we have weeks like this one were it feels near impossible to put Chloe down for a nap (expect for today). I am learning to be patient though and to follow Chloe's cues. I know she feels safe and secure sleeping on my lap and so we are basically taking this process very slowly to ease her into learning to sleep alone.  Chloe is such a happy baby and I know that doing it this way is worth the sacrifice. I know once day Chloe will be a kid, she wont need me as much and so I want cherish these times right now were my baby needs so much of me.


  1. Hi there -- new reader! :)

    Totally relate to you on the napping thing. My daughter has really struggled with sleeping since day one. She's finally gotten to be a pretty good nighttime sleeper but napping is SUCH a chore. Thank goodness for Thursdays when we have swimming lessons and she crashes right afterwards!

    I've found that telling myself "this is temporary" as a sort-of mantra really helps. I went through a HORRIBLE stretch around 3-4 months of age where I was so depressed and angry, but now I just embrace her baby-hood and figure I'm going to miss it all someday!

  2. Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment!!

    Yes naps can be so difficult at times, but your right there only babies for a short while!
