Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Breastfeeding At 10 Months Old

As Chloe is getting closer and closer to the 1 year mark I have been reflecting a lot lately on our breastfeeding journey and how far we have come since those first few difficult days. I am so forever grateful for this experience, breastfeeding my daughter has been so beautiful and special to me and I cant say enough how blessed I feel for being able to experience it. I am so proud of Chloe and myself and so grateful  for all the incredible support my husband has shown me throughout this journey. Our plan is to let Chloe decided when she is done nursing, I can only hope and pray we still have a ways to go on this journey of ours.

At 10 months old nursing is very different then it was when Chloe was a newborn. Some of the things she does now honestly cracks me up. For instance, she will dive her face into my chest or lift up my shirt to let me know she wants milk, she gets really, really excited when she sees me getting ready to nurse her and starts panting, Chloe constantly is moving these days even while nursing, and she loves to nurse while sitting up. Other things that are much different now is that our nursing sessions are much shorter then they used to be and only lasting around 5 minutes and since Chloe has teeth now she has bitten me a few times and yes it really, really hurts.

There are a few things that are still very similar to those newborn days, Chloe still nurses often throughout the day, if she is tired she will fall asleep while nursing and also breastfeeding is still very comforting to her so if she's in pain from teething, got hurt while playing, or just needs some extra love and attention the one thing that always calms her down and makes her happy is breastmilk.

I love the special bond Chloe and I share through breastfeeding and am excited to see what else lies ahead for us on this amazing journey!

If  you are breastfeeding or were breastfeeding I would love to hear how your experience changed the older your child got, leave me a comment below!


  1. That is so great that you've continued your journey! I wish Sofia and I could have, but at around 8 months, she would bite... but all of the time. It's like she didn't understand how to do it anymore- to her, everything was food now! So after weeks of trying, she pretty much weaned herself.

    So happy for you two, keep it going!! :))

    1. Thank you Kate! I am so happy you were able to breastfeed Sophia for 8 months, that's truly amazing!! That's amazing that she was able to wean herself, that's what we want to do with Chloe.

  2. My son, Charlie, is also 10 months old (well, he will be on Friday), and nursing has definitely changed here as well!

    He will also point to my boobs and try to grab them through my shirt when he wants to nurse. This is especially fun in public, haha! He is also constantly moving around - he loves to stand up in my lap or on the floor while he's nursing!

    He's been pretty good about the biting. It's only happened a few times and they were accidents (one was while he was sleeping, haha).

    1. Oh how fun are babies are around the same age! Chloe is the same way, right in front of everyone she will dive her face in to my chest, its pretty funny!

  3. The breastfeeding relationship is such a beautiful thing! I loved reading about yours, and can definitely to some of the changes as well as the joy over having made it. We had a rocky start, too, but I'm so glad we were able to push through! It sounds like you and Chloe are going strong, and I'm sure you have many good months ahead of you, at least :)

    1. I know isn't it and thank you! I hope we do too! How amazing that you were able to breastfeed your daughter and that you made it through the difficult times!

  4. I just started having Quade nurse in a sitting-up position too. He loves it! I am so happy to hear you are keeping up with breastfeeding at 10 months old. I will be doing the same. I LOVE the experience!

    1. Thanks Melanie, me too! I am so glad breastfeeding is going so well for you and that you are loving it as much as I do!

  5. It sounds like you have cherished your breastfeeding journey as much as I have! It's funny because I was just thinking about this today and wondering when Darwin would wean himself. We had many obstacles in the beginning and many tears were shed. My husband has also been amazingly supportive.

    Unlike your Chloe, Darwin (also 10 months) now mostly only nurses at night a few times. Once in a while he'll have some milk before a nap or during the day but it is rare. I am excited by his independence but I am also sad to see our journey transition.

    That being said, most of our time breastfeeding now is side lying in bed so I do enjoy the sweet cuddles as he drifts off to sleep :)

    1. I have, its been an incredible experience that I will always hold dear to my heart. That's amazing that Darwin is still nursing even if its just as night! I understand about the struggles in the beginning, I had a c-section so it took a little longer then expected for my milk to come in, Chloe was really fussy and you can tell her mouth was really dry so when she was 4 days days old we had to give her formula a couple times, also the pain medication I was on was way to strong for me and I felt very confused and out of it so I had to stop taking that before I needed to so I could take care of my daughter. I feel very blessed to have a supportive husband and such a patient daughter!

      I am so happy that you were able to push through the struggles in the beginning, that's so amazing and that you have so much support from your husband!

  6. I wanted to breastfeed my last one SO bad. Seriously. I tried for a couple of weeks, but not that much would come out. She would scream. After seeing a lactation consultant and some doctors.. I wasn't producing milk and was actually drying up, even though she would eat often and I did both breasts. I wish I could have, but for some reason I have some "duct" issues. They said I am not alone, but oh boy was she a boob baby. Finding nipples after that was hard. I would have loved to had that bonding time too! It is a special moment. Congrats to you for continuing it so long!

    Stopping in from Josie's blog :)

    1. Crystal, thank you so much for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comment!

      That would be so hard, I am so sorry you had to go through that, I couldn't imagine. Your daughter is beautiful and looks like she is healthy and growing perfectly!
