Friday, February 18, 2011

25 Weeks

Today I am exactly 25 weeks pregnant, which means I have 105 days left until my due date! According to Chloe is now measuring at about 13 1/2 inches, and weighs about a pound and a half now. I also read that Chloe is getting more fat on her body this week and is starting to look more and more like a newborn. She is also getting more hair this week, and if I could see inside my womb right now I would be able to see the color and texture of her hair. Mike and I cant wait to see our daughter for the first time. We are so excited to see what she looks like and to discover what her personality is like. I wonder what kind of hair she will have, if it will be curly like mine or straight like Mike's, if her hair color will be brown, or blonde, or even red. Soon we will find out!

Mike has been feeling Chloe move a lot more lately which is so sweet and special. Last Sunday Mike's younger sister Brittany was able to feel Chloe move a little bit. Then on Tuesday I got together with my friend Jessica and Chloe was moving so much while her and I were talking that Jessica put her hands on my belly and was able to feel Chloe move and kick a bunch of times! Also I can see my belly move now when Chloe is moving, that's been really exciting! It never gets old being able to feel your baby's movements. There are times when she is moving so much and her movements are so strong that I just start laughing, because no one else sitting around me is feeling what I am feeling.

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