Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Toddler Activities: Hot & Cold

A few day's ago while reading some of my favorite blogs I found this great Montessori activity on Randalin's blog Harvesting Kale that I knew Chloe would just love. Lately we have been working a lot with Chloe on  learning about hot and cold, hot has been very easy for Chloe to understand, she'll say the word hot when she sees something she knows is hot and she'll also blow on it to cool it down. Learning about things that are cold though have been a little more of a challenge, so when I read about this toddler learning activity I knew it would be a great way to teach Chloe about the differences between hot and cold, plus she loves to play in water!

What you need:

:: One bowl of warm water
 :: One bowl of cold water
:: And any other objects you'd like to add that are hot & cold, like ice for example.

Such a simple activity and I loved watching Chloe learn and explore the differences between temperatures. We will definitely be doing this activity again and as Chloe gets older I plan to make it a little more complicated and suitable for her age.


  1. Charlie picked up on "hot" pretty easily too and will also say "Hot Hot" to things like the fireplace, oven, coffee mugs, etc. and he'll also blow on his food. He just started making fake shivering sounds ("Vu-Vu-Vu") for cold things. What a neat simple activity to learn how the two relate!

    1. So cute that they both do the same thing with hot! and we're trying to work on the fake shiver with Chloe so she can understand cold more!

  2. Hey Jennifer! I nominated you for a Liebster Award! Check it out here:

  3. great activity. We are going to have try this one!

    1. Chloe had so much fun with it, and it was very simple to put together!

  4. We are so far away from this, but hopefully I remember it. She is precious :)
