Sunday, July 24, 2011

My First Birthday as a Mom

Today my daughter is 5 weeks and 5 days old! As the days go on she amazes me more and more! I love being able to watch her grow! Its hard to believe that a year ago I wasn't even pregnant, I had no idea that God was going to bless Mike and I in such an incredible way. The moment I found out I was pregnant with Chloe my life changed for the better. I Thank God everyday for my daughter, and for choosing me to be her Mom!! There are times when I just sit and stare at her, and this overwhelming wave of love just washes over me. I really cherish all the time I get to spend with Chloe and feel very grateful that my husband is willing to work so hard so that I  can stay home with our baby!

On Wednesday I experienced my first birthday as a Mom! Chloe and I had a nice relaxing day at home and when Mike got home we went out for dinner. Mike got me a moby wrap to wear Chloe in! I have wanted a moby wrap for awhile now and am so happy that I finally have one! I have already used it a couple times, on a walk, and to do some cleaning up around the apartment. Chloe seems to love it! and it's really comfortable for me! We also have the baby bjorn but after wearing that for awhile my back will start to really hurt, but with the moby my back didn't hurt at all. Right now I only know one position to wear Chloe in but I am so excited to learn all the different positions that you can wear your baby!

We will be taking our first vacation with Chloe in the beginning of September, we are going to visit my family in Chicago. I am so excited for everyone to finally meet her!

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